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Call To Action

Public notice for the selection of equity and/or quasi-equity interventions in the Agritech, assisted evolution technologies and nutrition sectors

Opening Date: 02/04/2024
Closing Date: 31/05/2024


List of candidates admitted to Phase B
Application Form
Substitute declaration of absence of causes for exclusion
Anti-mafia self-certification
Privacy Policy
For information write us an email at:


They can apply Start-up (also Innovative, pursuant to art. 25 of Legislative Decree 18 October 2012, n.179 and subsequent amendments), Small Medium Enterprises (including Innovative pursuant to art. 4 of Legislative Decree 24 January 2015, no. 3 and subsequent amendments), University Spin-Offs, with operational headquarters in Italy or who formally declare their commitment to open one in the event of a positive evaluation of their application, and who formally commit to using the resources for initiatives/projects on Italian territory.

The “innovative start-up” is a type of business that meets the requirements indicated in article 25 and following of DL 179/2012. For more information, you can consult the following link:

Introduced in 2015 with art. 4 of DL 3/2015, innovative SMEs represent an important nucleus of companies that contribute to the innovative development of the country. These constitute the second evolutionary stage of innovative start-ups. For more information, please consult the following link:

Yes, as per the Chamber of Commerce register. If you do not have one, you will have to submit a Declaration of Commitment to open one, in the event of a positive evaluation of the Application. This Declaration of Commitment must be included in the documentation to be sent, as indicated in section 6 of the Public Notice.

No, the applicant cannot have already received funding from the Foundation, and furthermore cannot have already submitted a project proposal to the Foundation through channels other than this Public Notice.

Each intervention will be assessed individually and reference will be made to the Legislative Decree 28.12.2020 "Methods of implementing tax incentives under the de minimis regime for investment in innovative start-ups and innovative SMEs". (GU General Series n.38 of 02-15-2021)

This possibility is admissible and will be evaluated on the basis of the agreements that will be stipulated with the subjects that will be deemed suitable to access Phase C.

This refers to the extent to which the project contributes to generating innovation, impacting economic development, employment, social utility, as well as achieving the strategic objectives and purposes of the Foundation, in particular to valorising technological research, incentivising the attraction of human capital, developing or creating production chains.

As reported in section 3, within the scope of this Expression of Interest the Enea Tech and Biomedical Foundation can intervene through Equity and quasi-equity investments. No other intervention methods are foreseen.

The capital contribution for each project selected to proceed by the Foundation must be between 500,000 euros and 5,000,000 euros.

The resources made available for the interventions relating to this Notice amount to a total of 40 million euros.

No, it is not possible to modify or integrate the application already submitted except for the integrations requested by the Enea Tech and Biomedical Foundation.

No, only one application per applicant is permitted.

The application form includes the list of documents reported in section 6 of the Public Notice, and must be sent, complete in all its parts, only via PEC to the address: You can request information and clarifications as indicated in section 11 by sending an email to the address

No, applications sent from non-certified email accounts will not be taken into consideration.

As reported in section 9 of the Public Notice: it is requested to send all the documentation in pdf format and digitally signed in a compressed .zip folder, the size of which must not exceed 30 Mb.

The PEC chosen for sending the application must also allow communication with natural persons. Furthermore, the PEC must be a company address.

The PEC used for the candidacy will be the official channel of communication between the protesting subjects and the Enea Tech and Biomedical Foundation.

Yes, it is possible. In this case, it is required to include an Abstract or Executive Summary in Italian in the Business Plan.